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iOS Dialogs

The iOS dialogs are presented as a modal ViewControllers with separate container view to which custom dialog layout will be injected.

Dialog Flavours

There total 3 classes building upon each other with additional functionalities

  • CustomDialogBase
    • CustomViewModelDialogBase
      • CustomArgumentViewModelDialogBase


The base implementaton inheriting directly from DialogFragment and implementing methods of ICustomDialog.

This dialog needs to have attached CustomDialogAttribute defining which dialog it is and its storyboard properties.


The layout of the dialog is taken from ViewController found in storyboard defined by CustomDialogAttribute.


This class provides flow for creating bindings between ViewModel and View controls. You will be required to implement InitBindings() method. For example:

public override void InitBindings()
    Bindings.Add(this.SetBinding(() => ViewModel.Counter, () => CounterLabel.Text));

Awaiting Result

If the dialog was invoked using AwaitResult() method the awaited response type will be stored in AwaitedResultType. You can use SetResult() and CancelResult() to provide or cancel the result.


While you can pass anything as a result to SetResult() it will be checked against AwaitedResultType and ArgumentException will be thrown in case of mismatch.


Passed parameter while invoking the dialog will be stored in Parameter property.

Additional customization

You can customize whether the dialog will show/hide with animation or not using thse two properties:

public virtual bool ShouldAnimateOnShow { get; } = true;
public virtual bool ShouldAnimateOnDismiss { get; } = true;


This inherited class will additionally take TViewModel generic parameter and will try to resolve given type using resolver passed to CustomDialogsManager. The ViewModel's callbacks will be also invoked by this class.


This class in addition to requiring TViewModel will also require TArgument and will expose Argument property with casted parameter.


This class manages all the dialogs. During app start you will need to create its instance with passing your parent UINavigationController as well as dictionary of dialogs and providers. Additionally you can pass ICustomDialogViewModelResolver which will be used to obtain ViewModels from your IoC container or whatnot. For example:

var dialogDefinitions = new Dictionary<DialogIndex, ICustomDialogProvider>
    {DialogIndex.TestDialogA, new StoryboardOneshotCustomDialogProvider<TestDialogAViewController>()},
    {DialogIndex.TestDialogB, new StoryboardOneshotCustomDialogProvider<TestDialogBViewController>()},

var dialogManager = new CustomDialogsManager<DialogIndex>(
    new ViewModelResolver());

private class ViewModelResolver : ICustomDialogViewModelResolver
    TViewModel ICustomDialogViewModelResolver.Resolve<TViewModel>() 
        using (var scope = ResourceLocator.ObtainScope())
            return scope.Resolve<TViewModel>();


Take note of StoryboardOneshotCustomDialogProvider which is a subclass of OneshotDialogProvider. Because base implementation of OneshotDialogProvider uses Activator to create the dialog instance it's not vaiable in iOS scenario where we need to use UIStoryboard.FromName() in order instantiate the dialog's ViewController.