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Android Adapters


Some adapters require context to work, that's why they are accepting IContextProvider argument. You should provide your own implementation depending on your architecture.

For example:

private class ContextProvider : IContextProvider
    public Activity CurrentContext => MainActivity.Instance;


Is a mechanism that helps wrapping activity callbacks and delegating them in a more streamlined way.

Let's consider:

public class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity, IOnNewIntentProvider


    protected override void OnNewIntent(Intent intent)
        _activityNewIntentEventHandler.Invoke(this, intent);

    event EventHandler<Intent> IOnActivityEvent<Intent>.Received
        add => _activityNewIntentEventHandler += value;
        remove => _activityNewIntentEventHandler -= value;

Where IOnNewIntentProvider derives from IOnActivityEvent<T>.

You are required to manually provide delegation of given event like above. Then you can register them like so for example:

containerBuilder.Register(ctx => MainActivity.Instance)


While the whole thing with IOnActivityEvent<T> may look cumbersome at first, it for sure saved me quite a bit of time later on. There's AndroidCallbacklAsyncWrapperExtension class which contains extension method:

public static async Task<T> Await<T>(
    this IOnActivityEvent<T> activityEvent,
    CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

It lets you await callbacks without writing devious logic every time.