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It's a higher level mechanism that uses ISettingsProvider and IFileStorageProvider to provide easy typed access to stored data.

Note: It's only meant for reference types, don't use simple types.

public class AppVariables : AppVariablesBase
    public AppVariables(ISettingsProvider settingsProvider, IDataCache dataCache = null) 
            : base(settingsProvider, dataCache)


    public AppVariables(ISyncStorage syncStorage, IAsyncStorage asyncStorage = null) 
            : base(syncStorage, asyncStorage)


    public Holder<TokenModel> TokenModel { get; set; }

    public Holder<VideoLibrary> VideoLibrary { get; set; }

Single property of type Holder<T> marked with VariableAttribute takes care of most of your storage needs.


Wrapper that allows the library to interface with your data in "managed" way, it allows you to write the values to files or app settings via underlying implementations of ISyncStorage and IAsyncStorage. Out of the box it can handle ISettingsProvider as ISyncStorage and IDataCache as IAsyncStorage.

Your data is cached in memory and not read every time you request it.


Allows to define additional behaviour for your data.

  • MemoryOnly
    • Stores the data only in memory always skipping both storage options.
  • CustomKey
    • By default property's name is used as key (file name or settings key), you can specify your own here.
  • ExpirationTime
    • Defines for how long the data is valid. By default only supported in IDataCache, you will have to implement own ISyncStorage in order to consume this setting there.